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The perfect Valentine's Day Gift

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with a dash of love

Love can be expressed with a single piece of jewellery. Give your girl timeless heart-shaped earrings or a clean and modern piece from our Eolo collection. Get inspired by our Valentine's Day gifts and make sure you choose wisely ...

Still in doubt which gift will fit her? Make an appointment with your jeweller and discover One More's extensive range of other beautiful pieces to choose from.

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jewellery pieces

Our Salina collection is a timeless gift that will always be in style. If you give this as a surprise, your message of love is unmistakable.

The perfect Valentine's Day Gift
The perfect Valentine's Day Gift
The perfect Valentine's Day Gift

diamond rings

Go for classic, elegant rings that finish your loved one’s look and make her irresistibly strong and feminine!

Colours of love

Pantelleria is one of our most popular collections! The stunning semi-precious stones reveal your warmest side and leave a charming impression.

The perfect Valentine's Day Gift

ear stacks

Is your girl a fashion addict who likes to change and combine earrings? Give her these Eolo earrings, which are the perfect marriage between rich materials and modern art.

The perfect Valentine's Day Gift